Wednesday 6 January 2016

Up-to-the-minute additional web research

If I had to pick the best PS2/Xbox generation game, I wouldn't have to think twice before choosing Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas. 

Women in the game are either bit-part players or set dressing: strippers to throw money at, prostitutes to pick up.

The women characters are often leered at or cast as nags. One of the player characters daughters has “skank” tattooed across her back, one mission has you chaperoning a paparazzo as he tries to photograph an aging actress’s “low-hanging muff.”

Grand Theft Auto V is relentlessly misanthropic, holding up a skewed mirror to our entertainment and industries and asking us to peer into the ugly reflection.

women are shallow and sidelined, and the men front-and-centre are heartless, psychotic, money-obsessed, philandering bastards.

The video games industry is one that struggles deeply with the treatment of women.

This game is absolutely beautiful, even the most minimum detail in the game is amazing.

The Grand Theft auto series is a juggernaut of everything - Money, Fun, Controversy, Sex, drugs, the works.

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